The-Lund Mailing List

If you’d like to keep up to date by e-mail with our main news about courses, events, and exhibitions going on here at The Lund, sign up to this mail list. We don’t post very often, so you won’t be swamped with junk. To sign up:

The-Lund on Instagram

Our Instragram page is where we post most, with everything about everything - Lund Studios, Lund Gallery, Debbie’s news, Pomfret’s Wood, Skylark… This is probably the best place to keep in touch with what’s going on day-to-day - Click HERE

Lund Studios on Facebook

This is a page just for Lund Studios, rather than The-Lund overall. It’s a great way to keep in touch with news about courses, course places coming free, and other Lund Studios events. Click HERE

Lund Studios on Twitter

We’ve never really ‘clicked’ with Twitter, but we do post the main headlines whenever. If you’re a Twitter user, it’s worth following - Click HERE

Debbie Loane’s Mailing List

Debbie has her own mailing list dedicated for her own exhibitions and courses. If you’d like to join this list, click HERE

Debbie Loane on Instagram

If you’d like to know about Debbie, her practice and her inspiration - this is the place to be… Click HERE

Debbie Loane on Facebook

Same as for Lund Studios - we are tending to post less on Facebook as time goes by. Probably best to follow on Instagram… However, if you’re a Facebook user, click HERE