Sally Hirst

8th - 10th July


Experimental Collagraphy

Collagraphy is a printmaking process that relies on texture. The plate holds ink within its textures and that ink is transferred to paper using a press. Sally is known for her rich and varied monoprints* created using a variety of media that reflect the texture she applies to the plate. It is a painterly and experimental approach, allowing for a great deal of play and exploration at both the plate making stage, and at the press.

Day 1. Inspired by the surroundings of the Lund Studios we will start with exploring mark making and an abstract approach to the landscape; collecting lines, shapes and textures rather than single viewpoint drawing. Back in the studio Sally will demonstrate the process of creating, inking and printing a plate on a press, discuss types of media, inks and papers.

Sally will then go on to show you how to find compositions within your studies to inform a series of printing plates; translating the expressive tones, lines and textures using acrylic gels and pastes. The aim is to create a series of plates that can be explored and experimented with.

Day 2 we will be printing plates, explore making more, and consider a variety of approaches to inking and wiping.

Day 3 will be spent cutting up, adding colour and combining our plates. Building layers of print, adding line and chine colle. As a result each print will be unique, more akin to paintings or collages than traditional prints.

This course is suitable for both beginners and those with experience. With a small group Sally will be able to work with students 1-2-1. Those with experience will benefit from Sally’s experimental approach and encouraged to push past traditional methodologies.

(*a monoprint is a single, unique print using a plate.)

Materials will be provided but participants will be asked to bring some basic equipment.

Lunches and refreshments included. Days run from 10am to 4pm (ish)

About Sally

Sally is a professional artist educated to Masters level and qualified teacher with decades of experience. In her studio in Norwich she creates works on paper; prints and collages, and mixed media paintings informed by the textures colours and structures of the environments she encounters on her travels. By choosing processes that allow the interplay of both formal and contingent elements she aims to create a tension in the work, between intention and chance, control and accident, past and present, concealing and revealing.

Her work is in collections worldwide and she exhibits regularly in the UK and in Spain where she lived before the pandemic. She has been featured in a number of publications including SuzIe Mackenzie’s Collagraphy Printmaking.

Since 2020 she has been teaching thousands of artists online. This course at Lund is the first in-person course she has run since the pandemic.

Currently she is working on a new body of work ‘Palimpsest Compositions’ which explores the connections between past and present: using papers and collagraph plates created over decades.

“By placing new against old am revisiting my history, and when I stand back I feel I am not looking at a piece I have made this month, this year or even this decade. At this point in my life that is where the meaning lies”