Four Years On...

Walking around Pomfret’s Wood this morning and realised I was feeling overwhelmingly proud of what we’ve achieved! From a hesitant beginning in a freezing muddy field four years ago, we now feel more confident in framing the place as the long-term ecological slow-art project that we first envisaged.

When we planted the woodland our aim was to create a rich and diverse habitat directly associated with our creative practice – right on our doorstep. 1400 saplings, 26 native tree varieties in 4.5 acres.

Four years on and the woodland is thriving and inspiring! The creative community of artists and makers who visit the Lund have been developing their own personal responses to this evolving diverse environment. Natural dying, charcoal burning, creating and weaving natural fibres and textiles - all in addition to inspiration for mark making and painting.

This is not ‘re-wilding’. We’re actively managing the development of the place, though it is with a light-touch! As a long-term ecological and social art project, we are tending the ecosystem for enduring personal and collaborative wellbeing.

The guided development of the place IS the creative practice, as well as the creativity and social engagement it inspires. The kestrels, the buzzards, the red kite, the barn owls in our barn – all seeking prey in the woodland. The wildflower we under-sowed in the woodland increasingly attracting pollinators including the burgeoning of butterflies, moths and bees.

A big ‘thanks you’ goes out to an amazing project a stones-throw down the road from us - @forestofflowersuk – I doubt we would have gone ahead without Alwyn’s guidance and assistance! Thanks also to The Woodland Trust @woodlandtrust for supplying the saplings and guards.