‘It won’t look like much!’ the gent who delivered the trees warned me before opening the van. 1400 trees wrapped up in 6 plastic bags - he was right :-)
They are now heeled in to our vacant veg plot to keep them safe until ready to plant out.
The biodegradable mulch mats have turned up, along with vole guards. Dan, who lives nearby, had planted a few hundred trees a couple of years ago and lost a number to voles chewing through the base of the trees. He’s been using vole guards since and mentioned they seemed to work well - so we thought best to follow his lead. So we are all set, ready to go. I’m actually quite nervous! Feeling a sense of responsibility about what goes where. Someone recently mentioned the best way to think about it is that nature will end up taking its course whatever we might choose to do - just set the ball rolling and it will all work itself out. Sounds good to me…